Happy First Day of Computer Science Education Week!

The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Office of Computer Science is pleased to announce the continuation of its cross initiative program supporting both the Arkansas Computer Science (#ARKidsCanCode) and Arkansas Reading Initiatives (#RISEArkansas). Over the previous three years of this program, approximately 900 K-8 public school libraries received coding devices and over 6,000 coding related books. For 2020, additional computer science and computing related books will be distributed to public school libraries around the state.

Public school libraries that serve students in any combination of grades K-5 will receive a copy of Grace Hopper: Queen of Computer Code, Doll-E 1.0, and Secret Coders #2.

Public school libraries that serve students in any combination of grades 5–8 will receive a copy of Emmy in the Key of Code and Secret Coders #2.

“We are so excited to receive these titles to support the computer science initiative in our school. The books are current and relevant, and will enhance our curriculum,” says Michele Owen who serves as Library Media Specialist at Hillfarm Elementary in Bryant and completed the state’s K-8 Computer Science Lead Teacher Program. “On behalf of our staff and students, we would like to thank the ADE Office of Computer Science for providing these resources.”

The books will be mailed directly to public schools over the next few weeks.

This is Computer Science Education Week; Arkansas is releasing a new Computer Science related announcement and/or commitment each day of this week. For a full listing of the announcements as they are made please visit the ADE Computer Science and Computing Initiative at: http://cs.arkansas.gov


